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  • Dani

My Black and White Challenge

As discussed previously in my blog, the choice to take and change photos into colourless images is not something I appreciate. I stated that it is mostly unnecessary because of the current advancements in technology, and simply an action taken by photographers to get more people to like more posts on social media sites.

Putting these beliefs aside I decided to challenge myself to embrace the world of Black and White photography and see whether my views could be changed. Over the space of a week I posted only black and white images on my Instagram account.

I chose my photographs carefully to ensure that I was happy with the outcome and didn't just remove the colour from images that really wouldn't benefit from it. Below you can see the 7 photos I chose to edit and post to my Instagram page. I have posted the original photo alongside my edited black and white version.

1. Antelope Canyon - The undulating walls of the canyon can be appreciated in both colour and black and white. However, even though there is an added ethereal feel to it, I'd always prefer colour in this instance.

2. From the road - The colours of this image were already a bit off due to the fact it was taken through glass from a moving bus, so I feel this image has benefited from the change to black and white.

3. The Kitchen view - Living in a city, I'm surrounded by buildings. These are the flats opposite my kitchen. I love the mismatch of window sizes and heights, and I think the black and white colouration actually increases the contrast and makes it more noticeable.

4. Boston Archway - This is one of the photos I like in both colour and black and white.

5. Derwent Water - Although I'd like to look more into black and white landscape photography experiments, but I don't think this one works.

6. Landscape canal - black and white adds mood to the already quite dark scene.

7. Buckingham Fountain, Chicago - the black and white add a bit of class to the architecture.

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